MPSoCBench is a benchmark composed of a scalable set of MPSoCs to enable the development and evaluation of ESL tools, methodologies and components designed at University of Campinas by the ArchC team in the Computer Systems Laboratory, Institute of Computing


864 distinct MPSoCs configurations automated through scripts

ISAs simulators

ARM, PowerPC, MIPS, and SPARC processors models

Interconnection Devices

A router, a TLM 2.0 loosely timed NoC, or a TLM 2.0 approximatelly timed NoC

Parallel benchmarks

17 Parallel Applications from SPLASH-2, ParMiBench and Mibench


HDL that receives a strong support from many companies in the computer industry


A powerful and modern open-source architecture description language (ADL)

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MPSoCBench Goals

The configurable and extensible infrastructure of the MPSoCBench suite allows its use in different scenarios, like: Implementation and evaluation of new tools or methodologies in MPSoC designs, development and monitoring design refinements for lower abstraction levels, analysis and optimization of new hardware components, comparisons among different techniques for power consumption measurement, and dynamic characterization of program power consumption considering different power models, and so on.

Licenses and Contact

Please read the MPSoCBench License. Several applications/libraries come with their own licenses.

The MPSoCBench is accepted for publication at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation-2014. So, if your use of MPSoCBench results in a publication, please use the reference above or use this bibtex file:

Liana Duenha, Henrique Almeida, Marcelo Guedes, Matheus Boy and and Rodolfo Azevedo. MPSoCBench: A Toolset for MPSoC System Level Evaluation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation.July, 2014.

Contact: If you want to use this tool set, please join us on the MPSoCBench list

  • Or by e-mail: mpsocbench at googlegroups dot com