ACPM Quickstart


In this document, I will describe how to start using the ArchC Platform Manager for managing platforms and platform components described in ArchC or SystemC.


You'll need ArchC >= 2.1, SystemC >= 2.2.0 and TLM 2.0 installed on your machine.

Setting up the basic structure

First, you need to download the ACPM executable file. It is available on the downloads section of this website. After downloading the file, you must give it the proper permissions in order to it work properly. You can achieve that by going to the folder where the file was downloaded and by typing the command:

$ chmod +x acpm

After downloading the file and granting it executable status, you should type in the following command in order to setup the basic structure:

$ ./acpm --start

The --start command downloads the ACPM Makefiles and generates the basic directory structure.

Setting up paths for SystemC, ArchC and TLM

In order to ACPM properly work, you will need to edit the Makefile.conf file. The SystemC path can be edited in the line

export SYSTEMC :=  /s/systemc

The TLM path can be edited in the line

export TLM_PATH := /s/systemc/include

The ArchC path can be edited in the line

export ARCHC_PATH := /s/archc

Also, if you are running ACPM in a 32-bit linux environment, you should alter the line

export HOST_OS:= linux64


export HOST_OS:= linux

With these changes, now you are ready to download platforms and platform components, and also run them.

Downloading platform components

The next step after setting up the basic structure is downloading platform components. You can check which components are available for download by typing the following command:

$ ./acpm --listrepo

A list of available components for download is exibited. You can download the component using the following command:

$ ./acpm --get type component

Notice that the type arg is optional. However, you should always pass the proper component name in order to download it properly. If you type the same component name that is shown when you use the --listrepo command, you should get the component properly. If you want to check whose components or platforms you already have, you can use the command:

$ ./acpm --list

It lists the components and platforms you have in your structure. With platforms and platform components downloaded, you are now ready to run them.

Compiling and running platforms

After downloading the proper platforms and platform components, you can choose which platform will be targeted by the Makefile simply editing this line in the Makefile file:

`PLATFORM := quad_mips`

You can compile the platform by using the commands:

$ make clean
$ make

It is strongly recommended to use the clean rule of Makefile before every compilation attempt. There is even a stronger rule for cleaning the structure:

$ make distclean

We recommend using distclean whenever you are trying to compile a new platform after other platforms were compiled. After compiling the platform, you can run it using the command:

$ make run

It will execute and run the compiled platform using the ArchC simulator.